By Austin Emaduku
Be not afraid of the dark,
For within it lies hidden beauty.
Neither demonise ye darkness,
For black is the defining state of darkness,
But black is beautiful.
Black is the grundnorm of all colours,
Even of the alluring colours of the Rainbow.
All colours beautiful and pleasing to the eyes,
Radiates from and resolves into black.
Science denies not its mysteries,
Hence physics embrace its truth
It is the default state of the universe,
For out of it was light called forth,
And into it light resolves.
Within it, lies all of earth’s treasure.
It is the vault, the secret place,
In which all earth’s secrets,
Deep treasures and knowledge are hidden.
Even the beauty of light,
Is defined by darkness.
So be not ye afraid of the dark,
For you are light.
And called to shine within it,
Are you born.
Shine therefore your inner light into darkness
And watch darkness yield up it’s secret to light.
Let your light so shine, deep into this pitch,
And instead of fear, you will marvel,
At the treasure that darkness holds within it.
That’s the mystery of the deep calling to the deep.
Unveiling the beauty that lies within the dark.
For black is beautiful.